Sometimes you come across a slew of really bad, low-res pictures taken with one of the first digital camera phones you owned. Colors are blurred, fine details are non-existent, and overexposed bright blotches clash with dark shadows in the picture so badly that there’s no hope for making them worthy of display using modern technology.
In our case here, the photos below were taken at the Summit, NJ annual downtown car show in early October 2009 when I was writing for The national news website. The pictures were all 600 pixels wide before I enlarged them to 1024 – the absolute bare minimum size an image on the internet should be in order to properly fill a computer screen when opened. Why bother to load them on the site and backdate them now? Because like any pictures that have faded in various ways, they give the viewer a real feel for the passage of time – of days gone by, and of faded memories that have become blurred snapshots in the mind of the person taking them.
–Sean … June 27, 2023
To enlarge any picture, right click on the image and select “Open Tab In New Window”.